Notes to Mindfulness Journal | Green

Notes to Mindfulness Journal | Green

Regular price $30.00 $25.00 Sale

Intelligent Change and Chelsea Kauai bring you the second edition of Notes to Mindfulness Journal. Designed for inner peace, creative self-expression, and gratitude practice, this journal is intended as a guided personal practice for cultivating self-consciousness and more moments of wonder. The result of Intelligent Change x Chelsea Kauai collaboration is a mindfully designed guided journal that promotes self-awareness and self-growth for those new to journaling or anyone looking to implement this rewarding daily habit. This journal is intended to be a gentle reminder to journal. Each daily prompt invites you to reflect on your gratitude; improves your self-awareness skills; and aligns your actions with your highest priorities and values. It also has plenty of space for free journaling; weekly and guided prompts to help you get started; and a habit tracker.