I grew up in NJ and spent a lot of time in NYC. I took art lessons when I was barely entering grade school with a family friend named Judy Lewis. One day I Laid my artwork against a wall assuming it was dry, the next day we discovered that the paint had run down the whole canvas. I revel in what Lewis called “A Beautiful Mistake”. An error that I embraced, became enamored with, and pragmatically infuse into most of my artwork. Later I went to school at the George Washington University in Washington, DC where I studied anything but art. It wasn't until after I graduated that I rediscovered and pursued my passion for creating. I moved to Austin in 2011 to seek more positive inspiration, soaking in a new life and a totally different environment. Today, I'm taking Miami by storm as my next city to explore. The idea of doing something that goes against the normal grain of society and that also reflects creativity and individuality, while encouraging a DIY nature, is a great inspiration to me. I look forward to where my art takes me, it sort of has a mind of its own. My very first piece of artwork happened when I was 4. My parents went out for the night leaving me with a babysitter. I proceeded to draw all over the house with a black permanent marker. My mom even has the proof to this day, she saved my “self-portrait” which I decided to draw on her closet door. I think we all knew then that I wasn’t one to play by any rules.